Key Accomplishments

Digital Marketing / Social Media

-Incorporated earned social media into 90 percent of PR programs at Heinz and achieved goals on all campaigns. 

-Implemented social media monitoring and reporting system (Sysomos) and integrated social media training into media training 101 module for all Heinz brands.

-Served on team to successfully launch official Facebook page for Heinz Ketchup and other brands following.

-Established quality measures for earned social media, including conversion rates and efficiency markers.

-Managed brand-related content for redesign and successful launch of updated

-Created engaging digital communications at W&J College through website, intranet, and various internal and external communications projects.

-Led communications for consumer-generated commercial contest on YouTube that resulted in 10 MM views; 127,000 hours of online interaction; 4,000 qualified entries; and 75,000 votes

-Drove social media engagement on Facebook, Twitter and blogs for Heinz Ketchup through outreach for new Balsamic Ketchup and won award for “Best Digital Marketing." 

-Successfully led PR for launch of, an e-commerce site where consumers could create a custom message on ketchup bottles.

-Effectively engaged audiences through strategic content creation for Weight Watchers Smart Ones health and wellness online community at

Cause Marketing

-Led communications for partnership between Heinz and Wounded Warrior Project that encouraged Americans to send a thank you to veterans using a QR code. The campaign exceeded PR goals and resulted in a $250,000 donation.

-Successfully managed cause marketing partnership between Bagel Bites and Boys & Girls Club of America encouraging Americans to "Snack Simply." The campaign exceeded goals and resulted in a donation of $65,000.

-Developed compelling communications for Washington & Jefferson College to help reach advancement goals for the college's capital campaign, alumni engagement drive and campus master plan.

Media Relations

- Successfully launched a news bureau for Weight Watchers Smart Ones. The bureau exceeded goals and generated 85 MM media impressions and coverage in Woman’s World, The Daily Buzz, Hungry Girl, Redbook and more!

-Drove awareness for the new Ore-Ida grilling product line with a PR/media relations campaign that exceeded media impression goals by 25% (94MM total impressions).

-Managed communications for launch of Heinz Dip & Squeeze innovative packaging that resulted in more than 100 MM media impressions in top tier media and national awards for best new packaging innovation.

-Launched media relations campaign for Ore-Ida Steam N' Mash that resulted in placements in Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and both local and national broadcast news.

-Led media relations for launch of Heinz personalized labels campaign, which generated more that 100MM media impressions and top-tier national placements in outlets such as USA Today, NY Times, GMAFox & Friends, and Associated Press.

-Successfully framed a masterbrand story of innovation leadership with strategic placements in Food &Drug Packaging and top-tier media.

-Developed successful media relations campaign to drive increased consumption of Heinz Vinegar by leveraging multiple uses for both cooking and cleaning.

-Leveraged expertise of faculty at W&J across all disciplines to frame and pitch national consumer stories with placements in Redbook, WSJ, Chronicle of Higher Education, Cosmopolitan and more.

Partnerships and Sponsorships

-Maximized Heinz Field naming rights through successful PR outreach, commercial sponsorships and media integration tactics.

-Leveraged partnership between Heinz Vinegar and PAAS through holiday PR campaign that resulted in an ongoing, annual partnership to drive sales.

-Contributed to uptick in holiday sales by promoting partnership between Heinz Chili Sauce and Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce through branded integration, promotions and media relations.


-Managed partnerships and relationships with brand spokespeople and celebrity endorsers, including Sandra Lee, Rachael Ray, Devin Alexander, Spike Mendelsohn, and more.

-Grew engagement with key trade influencers year-over-year by maximizing sponsorship of South Beach Wine & Food Festival and Food & Nutrition Conferences.

Internal Communication

-Successfully established and delivered internal news reporting system at Heinz North America (HNA) to keep all employees aware of industry news and trends.

-Served as a key North American representative on global communications team to share key learnings and advise on internal communications issues and opportunities. 

-Effectively crafted and distributed HNA internal announcements, including new hire news, important leadership announcements, and structural changes.

-Served on internal team for successful planning and execution of internal events, including quarterly meetings, town halls, annual sales meetings, internal announcements and more.

-Created and delivered key messages and talking points for executive level administrators at W&J and contributed to successful planning and execution of on campus events.

-Managed creation of HNA style guide to ensure consistency of brand and corporate references.

-Managed communications for project "One Heinz" in an effort to re-imagine the consumer and foodservice business units as one, united front.

-Established consistent internal communication vehicles at W&J through digital intranet, weekly e-newsletter and monthly staff meetings.

-Developed executive talking points and key messages for internal announcements to ensure consistent and effective message delivery.


Community Relations

Served on the president's team at Washington & Jefferson College to strengthen and renew relations with the community. Efforts resulted in new opportunities for meaningful dialogue, enhanced engagement with community members and media coverage in The Chronicle of Higher Education and Observer-Reporter.